_explore responsibly

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timecraft is an adoption agency for marketers. traditional adoption agencies help people adopt people or pets. timecraft helps brands, cities and organizations adopt platforms, technologies and behaviors that give them an advantage.

_we help you adopt platforms, technologies, and behaviors

we are a senior team with careers spanning every marketing channel. So we have first-hand understanding of how difficult it can be to evolve in a way that’s sustainable, isn’t a one-off publicity stunt, and makes a meaningful impact on your audience and your business.

that’s why we’re not here to change your brand or evolve what’s already working (you already have agencies for that.) what you don’t have is an agency that helps you understand, test, and deliver in low-risk ways, to high-reward channels that are being seriously adopted by your audiences.

we have the expertise to understand and partners to deliver. This list is ever-evolving:

  • conversational AI (ChatGPT, NLP)

  • esports integration (game integration, sponsorships)

  • AR/VR/metaverse/second-screen experience (functional and narrative extensions)

  • web3 (real applications like stored value loyalty, not NFT collections)

  • advanced media publishing (group and company-wide publishing process design)

  • advanced content strategy (feature films, video game development)

  • advanced influencer collaboration (youtube community integration, etc.)

  • operational readiness and process evolution (internal and external)



this sprint is the start of your journey to determine how you can launch sustainable blue sky concepts that are strategically grounded in your brand values, target audience’s needs and the larger contexts in which you operate.

We call our adoption sprint a Blue Sky / Solid Ground Sprint:

a bs/sg adoption sprint is divided into two phases:

  • we start by building an understanding of your current reality through existing documentation, in-market efforts, stakeholder interviews and visits to priority physical spaces.

    combining this discovery with timecraft’s expertise across evolving audience behavior makes sure our blue sky concepts fit your brand and are salient for your audiences.

  • based on our solid ground discovery, timecraft develops 3-5 strategic spaces with directional creative concepts. This is followed by collaborative workshops that refine high-level creative concepts, explore supporting and surrounding tactics, provide rationale, and outline expected outcomes.

  • we aren’t interested in the infinite loop that some people call “planning.” after a sprint,, timecraft partners with you to prioritize workstreams and convert them into execution-ready plans you can successfully deliver to get real in-market results.


_we make sure you're ready to adopt

Many companies use governance, operations and delivery models that have origins in analog media and remain constrained within them to deliver into recently established audience platforms, tactical channels and data technologies. A new approach is needed. One that takes into consideration marketplace alignment and integrated methodology operations that include outbound media efforts. An approach that embraces productization as an ongoing process and can also define a bridge to AI. All of this needs to be rooted in a design thinking led culture focused on employee experience to create intrinsic value that improves business performance.

_learn about our approach:

_our podcast on shifting human behavior

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